30 Minute Lesson
- Young children (elementary school and most middle schoolers)
- Adult students who have never played before
Course Description
Thirty-minute lessons are great for young children and people brand new to the instrument. If you have a young child (middle school or younger) who is new to the instrument, I would definitely start with half an hour. In addition to not having the playing endurance, young students often don’t have the attention span to get full use of an hour or a 45-minute lesson. There are of course always exceptions, but that is a good rule of thumb. Adult beginners might also find that 30 minutes is the best for them endurance-wise.

45 Minute Lesson
- Children who are serious about learning the instrument
- Adult students who have never played before
Course Description
45-minute lessons are great for adult beginners, high schoolers, and younger children with a keen interest in music and longer-than-average attention span.

60 Minute Lesson
- Serious students
- Students preparing for auditions or competitions
Course Description
For serious music students, or students preparing for auditions or competitions, 60-minute lessons are ideal. An ideal candidate for a 60-minute lesson practices regularly and therefore has built up the playing endurance to feel comfortable all the way through the lesson.